
Stirling Ultracold and Global Cooling


Through our dedication to industry-leading delivery of enhanced customer experiences and ULT technology innovations, Stirling Ultracold will focus on protecting valuable biological samples more reliably, efficiently and sustainably for our customers. By thoughtfully applying Stirling innovations in a culture of focused customer intimacy, we will not only become the market’s preferred ULT solution provider, but also gain targeted share of customer, profitability and revenue growth.

Global Cooling, Inc. manufactures and sells Stirling Ultracold freezers, a new generation of environmentally friendly ultra-low storage solutions which operate between -20°C and -86°C. These freezers do not use compressor-based or cascade refrigeration systems. They use patented free-piston Stirling engine technology that was originally developed for energy, aerospace and industrial applications before successful commercial application in ultra-low temperature cooling systems.


ULT Thought Leaders

Stirling Ultracold is making a positive impact on science, our world and your bottom line. We do this by advancing better, safer technologies for preserving your life’s work, while also minimizing environmental and climate impacts of research. We are leaders in delivering maximum lifetime value for our customers and unique, point-of-use solutions for ultracold storage of biological materials in the clinical environment.

Globally Available

Stirling Ultracold ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezers are sold to life science, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, academic, non-profit, and clinical research customers all over the world.
